Trinity Hu​man Rights Group​
Training Team
Training Team
Connie Huntsman, Esq., is the President of the Trinity Human Rights Group and a member of the Washington, DC Human Trafficking Task Force. She has appeared on Montgomery College Television for a 30 minute segment on "My School is Your School" and the radio program, "In Our Voice." In addition to numerous international trainings conducted as a global Program Manager with the United Nations Development Group, Connie has coordinated and given over 60 formal trainings and other public speaking engagements on combating human trafficking to over 2,000 audience members, including for example, government agencies, such as the National Security Agency, the US Department of Agriculture, universities, such as Georgetown University Law School, George Washington University, and The American University School of International Service, high schools around the DC Metro area, health care providers, numerous faith-based entities, and other nonprofits focusing on human rights and the rights of minors.
Jean Hacken, PMP, has been a speaker on panels organized by the Overseas Security Advisory Council, International Stability Operations Association, Dow Jones Global Compliance Symposium ,International NGO Safety and Security Association and Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies addressing topics such as compliance, security, trafficking, FCPA, and the role of non-profit organizations in international disasters. She has been interviewed by Ethikos and the Wall Street Journal regarding the challenges of implementing projects in developing countries. Jean’s training style is dynamic, lively and focused on student comprehension. Jean has incorporated this style for training in the US and overseas on ethics and compliance, trafficking, fraud awareness, protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, and government acquisition and assistance. Students have included staff from overseas organizations and USG agencies. For small group training on sensitive topics, she incorporates interactive polling devices that allow students to respond anonymously to difficult questions and projects the group response on a screen. The responses stimulate discussion and provide insight regarding what topics need to be addressed further.
Diana L. Siemer serves on the Board for the state of Maryland Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and the Maryland Association for Adult, Community and Continuing Education (MAACCE). She has developed a unique Adult Education Student Lesson Plan specifically for ESOL/ESL instructors on how to incorporate human trafficking indicators into any existing curriculum. She has conducted trainings for ESOL/ESL instructors on how they are in a unique position to identify foreign human trafficking victims and how they can safely assist suspected victims. In the field of TESOL, Diana presents professionally at local conferences and national conventions. As the Educational Services Manager with the Esperanza Center, Catholic Charities, she regularly gives teacher trainings and supervises curriculum and professional development. Over her 25 year career, Diana has been a teacher, a trainer, an administrator, and a student of language, literacy, and culture.
David Tian is fluent in French and English and frequently works as a translator and interpreter. He has translated the best-selling book A Thousand Miles to Freedom: My Escape from North Korea from French to English. In association with his graduate studies, he formally presented his M.A. thesis at Harvard University this past year and has spoken to audiences of over 200 members. David provides French translation during trainings for the Trinity Human Rights Group.