Trinity Hu​man Rights Group​
Take Action
Take Action
in whatever way moves you or in a way to use your unique skills

Get published!
Get published!
Have you drafted an article or research paper on the subject of labor trafficking? Would you like to write on combating human trafficking with a team of researchers and lawyers supporting you? Find out more on how you can publish your work with our support on our website or with other outlets, such as newspapers and journals.

Training or Consulting?
Training or Consulting?
Do you have knowledge of corporate compliance and risk management? Are you interested in learning more about human trafficking and what corporations can do to identify and eradicate slave labor from their supply chains? Contact Trinity to learn about our corporate training and consulting program.

Student Internships?
Student Internships?
Find out more on how to become an Intern, Fellow, Research Analyst or Communications Specialist. We offer unpaid intern-ships or fellowships. Students may receive university credit. Send us your resume and a brief statement of interest or write to us if you would like to contact one of our current interns and fellows to learn more.

Join campaigns!
Join campaigns!
Use your professional skills and experience to save the lives of human trafficking victims. Learn about other campaigns and organizations that assist victims and mentor survivors. Write to Trinity to find out how you can use your professional expertise to become more involved with the cause.