Trinity Hu​man Rights Group​

"The power, danger, and romance of the sea have forever called out to man. Many of those who've answered its timeless bidding have been lost in its waters. It is to them — the sailors of merchant and naval fleets, fishermen and watermen of all nations — that the Seafarers Memorial is dedicated.... For those who have lost loved ones at sea there is no graveside at which to mourn."

The Seafarers Memorial by the renowned sculptor, Stanley Wanlass, is dedicated to the sailors, watermen and "the lives of those who do business on it's waters," who have been lost at sea. The memorial will stand 40" tall on it's own island near the Port of Astoria, Oregon at the confluence of the Pacific Ocean and the Columbia River, commonly known as "The Graveyard of The Pacific". The tides will rise and fall on the island serving as a substitute grave site and place to heal for all those who have lost loved ones at sea. For us at Trinity, it serves as our reminder of the third-hand guiding our efforts for all those human rights victims, who have lost their lives or their livelihoods, whether at sea or on land.

"Mark of Triumph": A Lewis & Clark Historical Monument
Historical monuments by Stanley Wanlass are located at national memorials, universities and public places nation-wide. Heralded by the great Peter Helck as "the finest sculptor of the automobile," each one of his limited edition automotive bronzes reflect his passion for the automobile, which he has restored and raced since the mid-fifties. His collection includes early Alfas and Bugattis to Brooklands race cars, Indy cars, Ferraris and '32 Ford roadsters. His work does indeed "seem to be moving despite being trapped in bronze," as contemplated by The Detroit News.
Wanlass feels "a responsibility to history, a great debt to those that came before me who improved the world to a point that I might have the opportunity to create. Jefferson stated that 'he was a warrior so that his son could be a farmer so that his son could be a poet'. Life is short and art is long. I would like to leave something edifying, of significant beauty; a tribute to the spirit, dignity and excellence of man."
Stanley Wanlass can be contacted at 801-231-4646 or reached via email at stan@stanleywanlass.com.