Trinity Hu​man Rights Group​
Our Mission
Our Mission
The Trinity Human Rights Group provides a solutions-oriented platform for research, consultancy, training, policy-work, education, and partnership towards the prevention of human rights violations while protecting human rights victims, with a particular focus on labor trafficking.

About Trinity
About Trinity

The Trinity Human Rights Group was formed due to the shared passion Our Team possesses for implementing actual solutions towards eradicating the scourge of labor trafficking globally and in the United States.
While the issues of human trafficking have become more prevalent in films and mainstream media, much of the focus has been on sex trafficking. No one type of trafficking case is more important than another. In 2014, however, the International Labour Organization estimated that globally labor trafficking occurs twice as often as sex trafficking; they concluded that 68% of all human human trafficking falls into the category of labor trafficking. There is, therefore, a pool of victims and survivors who are often overlooked – victims and survivors of labor trafficking.
Trinity believes that most Americans are unaware of the cost of human life used to supply our food, goods, and clothing. An increased awareness can lead to a change in policy and in the U.S. consumption of goods produced from slave labor. Our Team proffers solutions and tools necessary to eradicate labor trafficking from every facet of everyday life. We are a new voice to assist in the global effort to combat labor trafficking around the world and in the U.S. supply chain.

Our Team
Our Team

Trinity's Board of Directors are attorneys or have earned a PhD in Environment Sustainability. Trinity also recently brought onboard an expert in women's empowerment that has worked for 40 years with victims of abuse. Trinity is supported by Executive Advisers all of whom are directly working with survivors of human trafficking and bring their own unique expertise to rectify abuses and assist in recovery, either via our partnership organizations, the National Human Trafficking Hotline operations, or Catholic Charities of Baltimore overseeing their ESL program. Our Trainers have given hundreds of formal trainings and other educational public speaking engagements on various human rights issues, including combating human trafficking and victim identification.
Our trainers are fluent in English, Amharic, Spanish, French, Hindi, Punjabi, and Indonesian.
The entire Trinity team would like to give our special appreciation to the law firm of Duane Morris LLP, who graciously provides Trinity pro bono legal counsel on its incorporation, 501(c)(3) application, and other limited issues.