Trinity Hu​man Rights Group​
A Place that Promotes Sustainable Solutions to Eradicate Global Slavery
A Place that Promotes Sustainable Solutions to Eradicate Global Slavery

Trinity: The Third Hand of Protection
Trinity: The Third Hand of Protection
Trinity came into fruition with the mystical guidance of a third hand eloquently depicted by the Seafarer's Memorial protecting those who have been lost at sea. Trinity would like to thank its renowned artist, Stanley Wanlass, for his generosity in his contribution to our mission.
Copyright Stanley Wanlass. All rights protected.

Human Trafficking: Slavery Still Exists
Human Trafficking: Slavery Still Exists

The issue of human trafficking has come to the forefront of national and global concern. Human trafficking involves the procurement of people through deception or force for the purpose of labor or sexual exploitation, where victims are coerced to work under heinous, often violent circumstances, at times seven days a week for little or no pay. This slideshow depicts current conditions of human trafficking existing today and our work to combat it.

Our Partners
Our Partners

Become a partner. Please donate to Trinity to help us help those at risk for human trafficking.

Trinity has 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in the US and all donations are tax deductible.
Copyright 2019. All rights reserved.